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阿披实就任泰国总理 新内阁宣誓就职

http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2008-12-23    



Thai new Cabinet sworn in before King


  Thailand's new cabinet led by Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was sworn in in front of the King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Monday.

  Abhisit, the Democrat Party leader who was elected as Thailand's 27th PM on Dec. 15 in a parliamentary voting session to replace the disqualified Somchai Wongsawat, led the other 35 cabinet members to take part in the oath-making ceremony in front of the King, which started on late Monday afternoon at Bangkok's royal residence of Chitralada Palace.

  In a short address to the new cabinet during the ceremony, the 81-year-old King urged the Abhisit cabinet to work to keep the country in peace, as "this is all Thais' wish."

  Abhisit later told journalists that he would try to bring unity back to the people and restore Thais and foreigners' confidence in Thailand but he stressed that the efforts need cooperation from all Thais.

  Earlier before the ceremony, the new premier and ministers took group pictures at the Government House in central Bangkok, which had just been cleaned up and repaired after a three-month occupation by demonstrators of the People's Alliance for Democracy(PAD).

  The PAD opposed ousted former premier Thakshin Shinawatra and whoever they considered his "proxies" -- the two previous forced-out governments by Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat since February, both led by the People Power Party (PPP).

  The PPP was seen a reincarnation of the Thaksin-founded Thai Rak Thai Party, which was disbanded last year by the Constitutional Court also on electoral fraud charges.

  The PAD started its efforts to topple the pro-Thaksin government by staging mass street rallies and demonstrations, after the PPP won the Dec. 23 general election to form a six-party coalition government.






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