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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2008-12-22  


The Taj Hotel, Trident hotel reopen three weeks after terror siege

  The Taj Hotel and the Trident hotel, the targets of Nov. 26 terror attacks, reopened on Sunday after three weeks of refurbishment work.

  Indian Hotels chairman Ratan Tata said the restored iconic Taj hotel will be dedicated to those who lost their lives in the siege.

  "We dedicate the restored hotel to those who have lost their lives," Tata said shortly before the Taj Hotel was reopened to guests.

  "We cannot be knocked down -- this is a memorable day and a tribute to those who saved many lives," Tata said.

  "To us, it was a challenge to have the hotel reopen within one month from attack," he said.

  An official from the Taj said restaurants and eateries, some of which were marred by the indiscriminate violence, host guests once again. The Tower wing of the hotel has reopened, with 268 rooms available.

  The Trident Hotel reopened following a multi-religious prayer meeting in its lobby attended by several prominent citizens, including Chief Minister Ashok Chavan, on Sunday morning.

  Some guests walked in amidst tight security to occupy the refurbished rooms to a traditional Indian welcome by saree-clad women staff of Trident.

  "If a guest walks in, there won't be a single scratch to remind him or her of the attack," Trident President Rattan Keswani told reporters on the eve of the reopening of the 550-room, 35-storeyedhotel.

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