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孟买经历惊魂59小时 剿恐战斗基本结束

http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2008-12-01  


59-hour Mumbai terror siege comes to end

  India's longest terror nightmare that lasted for almost 59 hours ended Saturday as commandos from the National Security Guard (NSG), the Indian Army and the Indian Navy eliminated three militants who had taken over the iconic Taj Mahal hotel.

  "Finally, we have been able to win the battle and do the job (assigned to us)," NSG head J.K. Dutt told reporters.

  Plumes of thick, black smoke billowed out of the ground floor windows at the hotel's northern end after two retail outlets were torched Saturday to smoke out the militants.

  Some 200 commandos from the NSG, the Indian Army, the Indian Navy and the Mumbai police launched the attack, Indo-Asian News Service (IANS) reported.

  Saturday was the culmination of a four-day anti-militant operation that began Wednesday evening when several armed men, probably two dozen and armed with grenades and automatic rifles, sneaked into the city by boat.

  Police later said that the militants divided themselves into several groups and quickly struck several places in south Mumbai, including the Taj Mahal hotel, the nearby Oberoi-Trident hotel and a Jewish center.

  They shot at people indiscriminately and hurled grenades, killing over 150 people.

  On Friday, the commandos first took control of the Oberoi hotel and then the Jewish center. Thousands living all around the building took to the streets, shouting slogans and hailing the security forces.

  But the three gunmen at the Taj Mahal held on despite being outnumbered by well-trained commandos.

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