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萨科奇执意会见达赖 中方推迟中欧领导人会晤

http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2008-11-27  


China postpones summit with EU due to French leader's planned meeting with Dalai Lama

  China has to postpone the 11th summit with the European Union scheduled in early December because of French leader's planned meeting with the Dalai Lama, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said here Wednesday night.

  The decision is made because the summit does not enjoy a good atmosphere, nor can it achieve expected goals, Qin said, adding the cause and responsibility do not lie on the Chinese side.

  China has paid great attention to the summit and has made active efforts and lots of preparations for it, the spokesman said.

  However, the French leader, whose country holds the EU's rotating presidency, made a clear announcement that he would meet the Dalai Lama after the China-EU summit, Qin noted, saying the Chinese government and people are extremely dissatisfied about that.

  "The Tibet issue is related to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and it touches China's interests at the core. We firmly oppose the Dalai Lama's separatist activities in foreign countries with any capacity, and firmly oppose the contact between foreign leaders with him in any form," Qin said.

  To maintain good relations with France and the European Union, China has told France time and again to properly handle the Tibet issue so as to create necessary conditions for the China-EU summit. Unfortunately, the French side does not actively respond to China's efforts of maintaining relations with France and the European Union, Qin said.

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