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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津  姗姗;许雅宁  2008-11-24  


Suri Cruise tops list of Hollywood's power kids

  With her stylish outfits, stylish hair and stylish parents, two-year-old Suri Cruise has topped an annual list of the most influential celebrity children.

  Suri, the regularly photographed daughter of actors Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes, toppled last year's winner Shiloh Jolie-Pitt to score top honors in Forbes.com's second annual list of "Hollywood's 10 Hottest Tots."

  Shiloh, the two-year-old daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, slipped to second place and was joined by two others from the Jolie-Pitt household with three-year-old Zahara in third place and brother Pax, 4, coming in fourth.

  To compile the list, Forbes.com ranked 50 celebrity children aged five years and younger by evaluating the amount of press and online attention they have received in the past year.

  The website then recruited polling firm E-Poll Market Research to narrow the list, getting awareness scores for the children and consumer appeal rankings for their celebrity parents.

  Suri received more blog mentions than any other Tinseltown child and was referenced in more than 1,300 news articles, which can help shape public opinion about her parents while also fuelling demand for what she wears, plays with and eats.

  Rounding out the top five was one-year-old Sam Alexis Woods, the daughter of world golfing champion Tiger Woods and his model wife Elin Nordegren, who is now expecting their second child.

  Others children in the top 10 were Cruz Beckham, late Australian actor Heath Ledger's daughter Matilda Rose, Madonna and Guy Ritchie's adopted three-year-old son David Banda, Britney Spear's son Sean Preston Federline, and Sam Sheen.

  Celebrity media editors said these children, who grace the front of magazines with and without their famous parents, could be even more in the spotlight next year as people seek uplifting stories amid the financial crisis.

  "It's much more fun to look at cute pictures of Suri than think about how much your 401(k) has decreased," Dina Sansing, entertainment director for Us Weekly told Forbes.com.


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