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http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2008-10-28  


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrives in Moscow

  Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao arrived here on Monday for an official visit aimed at strengthening China's strategic partnership with Russia.

  During his three-day stay here, Wen is scheduled to hold talks with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and Chairman of the State Duma, the lower house of Russia's parliament, Boris Gryzlov.

  Topics of discussion include regional and international issues and bilateral cooperation in areas such as economy and trade, energy, nuclear power, science and technology, according to a Chinese Foreign Ministry official.

  In a written statement delivered upon arrival at the airport, Wen hailed the level of China-Russia strategic and cooperative partnership in recent years as unprecedented.

  The two nations have enjoyed expanding basis for common interests, increasing mutual trust, more fruitful cooperation and closer strategic cooperation in international and regional affairs, he said.

  The continuous development of bilateral strategic and cooperative partnership conforms to the fundamental interests of the two peoples, and is conducive to peace and stability in the region and the world at large, said the Chinese premier.

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