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http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2008-08-07  


French president: Beijing Olympics to achieve success of world renown

  The upcoming Beijing Olympics is a great sports gala and will achieve a huge success of world renown, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Wednesday.

  In a written interview with Chinese journalists before his visit to Beijing for the Olympic opening ceremony, Sarkozy said he was very glad to be invited to Beijing for the Games by the French Olympic Committee.

  This is the first time for a French president to attend an overseas Summer Olympic Games while holding the rotating European Union (EU) presidency, he said.

  Sarkozy said China's hosting of the Games shows that China is a strong country with a splendid civilization and diligent people, and is capable of making a decisive contribution to the construction of a peaceful and developing world.

  Citing the tremendous efforts China has made in preparing for the Games over the past seven years, Sarkozy believes all people around the world are going to be moved by the Chinese people's strong willpower and hospitality demonstrated during the preparations.

  The Games will enhance ties between people of different countries, and thus serves as an important step in the process of globalization, he added.

  With the hope to deliver France's message of passion and friendship, Sarkozy described the bilateral friendship as historic, unfailing and immovable, and it will not change under any circumstance.

  The president said his visit to Beijing would prove that maintaining friendly ties with China is one of France's basic foreign policies, which is in keeping with the expectations of both peoples and a necessary factor in building a just, safe and harmonious world order.

  The Olympic Games, a sports event itself, also offers a golden opportunity for people to communicate, Sarkozy said.

  He said he was delighted to have the opportunity to meet Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing to discuss several important issues and future cooperation, especially the 2008 Asia-Europe summit, to be held in China in October, and the EU-China summit, to be held in France this December.

  Recalling his trip to China last November, Sarkozy said he was deeply touched by the great efforts the Chinese people made during their preparations for the Beijing Olympic Games.

  All persons have told me that the Beijing Olympic village will be the most beautiful and comfortable one, and I cannot not wait any longer to watch the opening ceremony directed by the outstanding director Zhang Yimou, who is also famous in France, he said, adding that he appreciates Zhang very much.

  Deeply impressed by China's efforts to ensure the Games' success, the French president said China has tried its best to prepare for the Olympics.

  If the organizational work for the Games could be compared to a sports event, I believe that everyone would agree on awarding China the gold medal.

  Referring to his personal enthusiasm for sports, Sarkozy said he is especially fond of judo, which he practiced when he was young.

  He said French athletes will compete in 22 disciplines of 28 major sports at the Beijing Games, which is to kick off on Friday.

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