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胡锦涛主席给美国中学生回信 感谢其援助灾区

http://en.jybest.cn  新华网    2008-08-01  


Chinese President writes back to thank U.S. students' support to Olympics and quake relief

  Chinese President Hu Jintao has written back to students of a U.S. high school to thank them for their "heartfelt" condolences and sympathy to victims and survivors in China's May 12 earthquake.

  "Thank you for your heartfelt condolences to people affected by the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, China and for your sincere donation to children in the quake zone," Hu said in his letter dated July 27 to the students of the Marching Band of the Londonderry High School in New Hampshire of the United States.

  He said he has read the letter from the students carefully and was moved by the warm and kind feelings expressed in the letter.

  A total of 345 students of the Londonderry High School Marching Band performed in China from June 20 to 27 to express their support for the Beijing Olympics, and on June 25, the students wrote a letter to President Hu, expressing their sorrow and condolences to the people in Sichuan for the loss of lives and properties.

  The students also offered 2,008 U.S. dollars to help quake-affected students.

  Hu said he is confident that with the joint efforts of all the Chinese people and strong support of the international community, people in the quake-hit areas will rebuild their homes at an early date.

  He said to stage a successful Olympic Games is a long cherished dream of the Chinese people and also an aspiration shared by people around the world, and the Chinese people will share the joy of this grand event with people of other countries.

  "Young people represent the future of a country and the future of the world," said Hu. "I hope the young friends of China and the United States will strengthen exchanges, learn from each other, increase friendship and make greater contribution to promoting the friendly relations between China and the United States and to creating an even better tomorrow for the world."


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