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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津  姗姗  2008-05-05  


 President Hu makes Time's Top 100 list

Chinese President Hu Jingtao and Former Prime Minister Tony Blair have joined Time magazine's "100 most influential people" list alongside other world leaders, celebrities and sports stars.

  Chinese President Hu Jingtao and British former Prime Minister Tony Blair has joined Time magazine's "100 most influential people" list alongside other world leaders, celebrities and sports stars.

  U.S. television talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey again featured on the fifth annual list that was published online on Thursday and hits newsstands on Friday -- the only person listed every year the list has been published.

  All three U.S. presidential candidates -- Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain -- were included in the 2008 list and also outgoing Russian President Vladimir Putin.

  The head of India's ruling Congress Party, Sonia Gandhi, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and media magnate Rupert Murdoch were also named.

  BritiBlair's influence has grown since he retired as prime minister. He won a slot under "heroes and pioneers," one of five categories, for his work as a Middle East envoy.

  Britain's current prime minister, Gordon Brown, did not get a mention in the list.

  Miley Cyrus, 15, who plays secret rock star "Hannah Montana" in the Disney Channel TV show of that name, became the youngest person to be included, under the category "artists and entertainers."

  Other celebrities on the list included Hollywood power couple Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Peter Gabriel and Mia Farrow, all of whom were listed in the category "heroes and pioneers" for their charity work and campaigning.

  The midfielder for the soccer team of Milan as well as the Brazilian national team, Kaka, was also chosen by Time magazine as one of the most influential people in the world today. He is the only soccer player to make the list.



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