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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津  姗姗  2008-04-11    



Cat poo coffee: $100 a cup

A British department store is selling a special coffee, harvested from the dung of Indonesian jungle cats, for $100 a cup.

  A British department store is selling a special coffee, harvested from the dung of Indonesian jungle cats, for $100 a cup.

  The pricey coffee known as Caffe Raro is a blend of extremely rare Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee and Kupi Luwak, an Indonesian coffee bean that is harvested from the bodily waste left behind by Indonesian civet cats, The Daily Telegraph reported Thursday.

  Even so, the Peter Jones store says the luxury blend is one of the world's rarest and most expensive coffees.

  The beans of Kupi Luwak are harvested after being ingested by civet cats, and only about 260 kilos (about 573 pounds) of the coffee is produced each year.

  "The cats select the best beans to chew. The flesh of the fruit are ingested and the hard beans are evacuated. It's rather like a natural filtering process," said Carie Barkhuzen, a spokeswoman for the upmarket store in London's Sloane Square.

  The coffee, which went on sale Thursday, is available at $100 for a shot at the Peter Jones Espresso Bar, or shoppers can buy 100g (3.5-ounce) packs of the coffee beans to take away for the same price.

  "It's not exactly flying off the shelves -- it's very expensive, after all -- but customers are buying it," Barkhuzen said.

  The proceeds from the coffee sales will go to charity.









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