泰国新总理上任一周 即遭集会要求下台
http://en.jybest.cn 新华网 2008-12-29 大 中 小
Thousands of red-shirt demonstrators have launched rallies in central Bangkok to get ready for a besiege over the Parliament on Monday and Tuesday, when Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is scheduled to deliver the government's policy statement.
The red-clad people, estimated at about 40,000, led by the Democratic Alliance Against Dictatorship (DAAD) group, began gathering on Sunday afternoon at Sanam Luang (Royal), one day ahead of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's delivery of the government's policy statement in Parliament.
Police handed out about 40,000 leaflets to the demonstrators, warning against "illegal acts" by obstructing the policy delivery during their rally for the next two days.
The opposition Puea Thai party spokesman Pormpong Nopparit said that the content of 40,000 pamphlets distributed by the police in Bangkok, surrounding areas and other provinces is considered threatening.
About 5,000 police officers will be deployed to reinforce security around the Parliament.
The DAAD lashed at the current Government led by Abhisit's Democrat Party, calling it a "bandit government", and called for the party's dissolution.
Abhisit was elected Thailand's 27th PM after his predecessor, Somchai Wongsawat was forced to step down with a court ruling that disbanded his People Power Party, a reincarnation of the disbanded Thai Rak Thai party, which was founded by coup-ousted former premier Thaksin Shinawatra.
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