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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2007-07-02  


New British PM's wife could soften image

Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah arrive at 10 Downing Street in London June 27, 2007.

  Sarah Brown, the discreet wife of Britain's new prime minister Gordon Brown, offers a stark contrast to Tony Blair's high-profile spouse Cherie -- and could help soften her husband's dour image.

  Cherie has nevershied away fromwearing an "I Love TB" badge at a Labour conference, detailing her first kiss to a journalist or seeming to disagree with some of her husband's policies.

  Sarah -- who reportedly has a rocky relationship with Cherie -- prefers to stay on the sidelines and let Gordon Brown do the talking.

  Her low-key style means she is unlikely to face criticism from tabloid newspapers in the same way as Cherie, a successful human rights lawyer often accused of having a taste for high living and new age fads.

  But if Sarah, the former public relations executive prefers to stay out of the limelight, it is because she wants to see the centre stage reserved for her husband.

  Born in 1963 in Buckinghamshire, southern England, Sarah spent much of her childhood in Tanzania, where her parents were working, before returning to England aged seven when they were seperated.

  She then lived with her mother and two brothers in north London and has hinted that the family had some difficulties as it regrouped.

  It may have been this experience which fuelled her interest in working with charities helping single mothers, an interest shared with Harry Potter author JK Rowling, who is a friend.

  Sarah met her future husband through her work but it was not until spring 1994, when she and Brown shared a flight between London and Scotland, that they got to know each other properly.

  As Brown's wife, she takes care over her hair and make-up and dresses in a smart but low-key style.

  "As Mrs. Blair waves goodbye, the quiet woman knows her day is coming," the Mail said.


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