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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2007-06-29    



Blair gets guitar at leaving do

Mr Blair was in a band called Ugly Rumours while at university

  Labour MPs and peers have given outgoing Prime Minister Tony Blair a steel-string acoustic guitar as a leaving present.

  Mr. Blair held his last meeting with the Parliamentary Labour Party in the Commons on Monday, saying his successor Gordon Brown would be a "great leader".

  The PM is a keen guitarist and a former member of a band.

  Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, who is also stepping down, was given a stand for holding drinks decanters.

  Mr. Blair told MPs and peers that Labour must maintain its discipline and continue to occupy the centre ground of politics.

  Blair leaves office Wednesday after 10 years in power, handing over to his Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown who succeeded him as head of the Labour Party.

  According to the Financial Times, the four major players in the Mideast peace process, including the European Union, United Nations, Russia and the United States agreed on Blair as their new Mideast envoy when they met Tuesday.

  The official announcement of the Quartet's decision was to be made Wednesday, a senior U.S. official said.

  President Bush previously was reported to strongly supported Blair for the new job, and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert expressed support for the idea that Blair could play a role in the Middle East.







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