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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2007-06-29  


Blunt's 'You're Beautiful' voted 'Most Irritating Song Ever'

James Blunt

  James Blunt's hit single 'You're Beautiful'was the No.1 song on music charts for so long in many countries, that it has been voted the 'Most Irritating Song Ever'.

  It didn't take long for the single to capture the top spot after it was released in 2005, including 11 countries around the world, and it stayed there for so long, that people got thoroughlyfed up of it.

  John Sewell, of market researcher www.onepoll.com, said that it was probably the time spent at the number one spot that led to 'You're Beautiful' being branded the most irritating song ever.

  "James Blunt isn't the obvious choice, but any song that is at No1 for so long does start to get annoying," The Sun quoted him, as saying.

  Coming in close on Blunt's heels was Axel F by Crazy Frog, which was No.1 in 13 countries.

  Third spot on the list went to 'Mmm Bop' by Hanson.

  'Mr Blobby' by Mr Blobby, and the 'Birdie Song' by The Tweets rounded off the top five, coming in at fourth and fifth place respectively.

  The top 10 list for the 'Most Irritating Song Ever', as per www.onepoll.com is:

  1. You're Beautiful - James Blunt

  2. Axel F - Crazy Frog

  3. Mmm Bop - Hanson

  4. Mr Blobby - Mr Blobby

  5. Birdie Song - The Tweets

  6. Shout - Lulu

  7. Agadoo - Black Lace

  8. Grace Kelly - Mika

  9. My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion

  10. La Macarena - Los Del Rio


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