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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2007-06-22  


Catherine Zeta-Jones makes family her main concern

Catherine Zeta-Jones and her husband Douglas

  Catherine Zeta-Jones' main priority isn't her acting career, it's her husband, Michael Douglas, and their two young children.

  "Years ago if someone said they were doing a movie in Romania, I was, like, `What time is my flight?' I couldn't see beyond the script," the 37-year-old actress tells InStyle magazine in its July issue. "Now I'm like, `Script? I'll figure that out after dealing with the people I love more than anything in the world.'"

  Zeta-Jones, who won a 2003 supporting actress Oscar for her role in "Chicago," married Douglas in 2000. They have two children-son, Dylan, 6, and daughter, Carys, 4 and live much of the year on the island of Bermuda.

  The couple also have homes in Manhattan and Majorca, Spain, and a farm in Quebec, Canada. "Some people collect art," she says. "We collect houses."

  Zeta-Jones, whose movie credits also include "Ocean's Twelve" and "Traffic," isn't about to quit acting just yet. In the upcoming dramedy "No Reservations," she portrays a chef whose life takes a new turn when she becomes the guardian of a 9-year-old niece.

  "At a certain age in Hollywood, you have to find the material you want to do," she says.

  "No Reservations," a Warner Bros. release, opens July 27.


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