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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2007-05-21  


Lindsay Lohan tops Maxim `Hot 100' list

Lindsay Lohan arrives for the premiere of the film "Georgia Rule" at the Ziegfeld Theatre in New York May 8, 2007. [AP]

  Lindsay rules. According to Maxim magazine, at least this month, she's the hottest woman in the world.

  The "Georgia Rule" actress-troublemakertops the magazine's eighth annual "Hot 100" list, a ranking by editors weighing buzz and beauty for women in film, TV, music, sports and fashion.

  "There is no other star in the world (who) causes more of a stir in the public eye than Lindsay," said Maxim Editor in Chief Jimmy Jellinek in a statement. "Her every move is watched and reported on."

  Not surprisingly, Jellinek described his young, male readership as being "obsessed" with the 20-year-old Lohan, a ubiquitous party girl who spent the weekend soaking up the sun (with a new boyfriend) in the Bahamas.

  Jessica Alba had to settle with the No. 2 on the list, which is in the magazine hitting stands Saturday. She's followed, in order, by Scarlett Johansson, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Biel, Ali Larter, Eva Mendes, Rihanna, Eva Longoria, Fergie, Sienna Miller, Angelina Jolie, Beyonce Knowles and Katherine Heigl.

  Celebrity sisters Ashlee and Jessica Simpson are on the list at No. 16 and 41, respectively. Ashley Olsen, half of the mogul acting twins, placed 37th, while sister Mary-Kate didn't make the cut.

  The cover of the Hot-100 June issue features a picture of No. 29: Sarah Silverman.


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