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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2007-05-09  


Spend holiday at "home parties"

Spend holiday at "home parties"

  The 7-day May Day holiday will arrive very soon, and many office workers in Beijing have decided to stay here to enjoy themselves at "home parties", instead of exhausting travels.

  Susan (not her real name), a freelancer, plans to invite her friends to see movies, sing karaoke together or even host a photo exhibition in her apartment. "Everywhere else will be overcrowded during the holiday, " said Susan. "At home, I'll treat my friends to homemade dishes, for I myself have been eating too much fast food recently."

  Unlike "home parties" in the past, which were the last option of entertainment for people, white collars nowadays enjoy such parties because they appreciate the simple and calm lifestyle, having felt tired of the bustle and hustle of urban life.

  "I feel very comfortable at home parties, for every one else around are my good friends, and I can eat and drink to my heart's content," said Susan.

  "Maybe we will host a brain dumping first to collect good ideas to host innovative home parties," said Joey (not his real name), who works for an advertising agency. Joey believes "home parties" will help him extend his interpersonal relations, while he can relax thoroughly.

  Many young people will host such parties by turns with friends in the forthcoming 7-day holiday.


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