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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2007-04-30  


Nicole Kidman's plea to Tom Cruise to allow more time with her kids

Nicole Kidman and her ex Tom Cruise

  Hollywood actress Nicole Kidman and husband Keith Urban are eager to spend more time with Nicole's kids from her first marriage to Tom Cruise.

  The Oscar winner and her Kiwi born husband hardly get to spend time with Isabella and Connor, the two children Kidman and Cruise adopted while they were married and who now stay with Cruise and his current wife Katie Holmes.

  According to a report in Star Magazine, Urban, after his October 2006 rehab stint and busy tour schedule, is desperate to spend precious time with his step-kids.

  "Keith says he regrets that he hasn't gotten to know them better. When things slow down this fall, he and Nicole plan to remedy that," the National Ledger quoted a source, as saying.

  However, the magazine also claims that Nicole's ex, Cruise, may create problems for the Nashville-based couple's plan to bond with the kids.

  "I know Nicole has talked to Tom about them spending a few weeks straight with her and Keith later this fall and Tom wasn't for it at all," another source was quoted, as saying.

  "He told Nicole that if she and Keith want to spend more time with them, they should head out to L.A. He's not going to uproot their schooling or their activities," the source adds.

  Another reason for Tom's obstinate behavior is believed to be Keith's substance abuse problems.

  "Keith's substance abuse problems may play into it. Tom's more wary of him than he was going in," another source added.

  But according to the report, the couple will not give up despite Tom's unwillingness.

  "Nicole just plans towork onTom a bit. She's been excited about Isabella and Connor getting to know Keith. But really, they've only been together a handful of times. I think it's still a dream for Nicole to have her kids consider her and Keith family the way they do with Tom and Katie. They have to make up for lost time,"an insider said.


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