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http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2007-04-28  


Divorce makes women rich

World's youngest billionnaire

  Divorce, inheritance and business nous has helped a growing number of women to become millionaires, who have increased at five times the rate of wealthy men.

  Wealth used to be a man's world, but the gap between the sexes is narrowing when it comes to money, a new report shows.

  In Britain, the number of female millionaires has been rising on the back of social trends - such as inheritance and the rapidly climbing divorce rate - and they now make up nearly half of all millionaires in the UK, according to independent market analyst Datamonitor.

  On top of that, a new generation of women have started to prosper in their own right, and female entrepreneurs are increasingly growing in number.

  While a male millionaire's wealth has increased by an average 9.2 per cent over the past eight years, the worth of a female millionaire has ballooned by 53.9 per cent, Datamonitor found.

  The British study showed that in 1998, the average male millionaire was worth £2.71 million (AUS$6.51m), while the female equivalent owned just £1.28m.

  But by 2006, the gap had narrowed to £2.96m for male millionaires and £1.97m for women.

  Women make up about 46 per cent of Britain's 376,000 millionaires - and their number is growing by almost 11 per cent a year.

  Some 3800 British women owned liquid assets of more than£5m, Datamonitor said.

  The number of women of "high net worth" status (classified as those with onshore liquid assets of more than £200,000) overtook men in 2005 - with 448,100 rich women compared to 429,300 men

  Nine of the world's fifty richest people are women.

  The richestself-madewoman in the world is Rosalia Mera (61) of Spain, who is worth approximately $2.4 billion.

  She started off making gowns and lingerie in her home. Her business eventually grew into the apparel manufacturer Inditex, which sold $6 billion worth of clothes last year.


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