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本季泳装 “闪亮”做主

http://en.jybest.cn  中国日报网英语点津    2007-04-28  


Taking a shine to swimsuits

What's the idea of swimsuits this season?

  It's a luxe life by the pool, at the ocean and on the lake this season.

  Right now, the most flattering swimsuits are embellished with eye-catching details or are made from glittering metallics.

  Dramaticcutoutson the hips, metallic closures andshimmeringmaterials are some of the most popular trends in swimwear, according to Elise Albert, owner of What Women Want Swimwear in Tempe.

  But after 16 years in the swimwear business, Albert knows most women just want comfort and coverage in their swimsuits.

  "The trends are important, but it's always important to focus on what looks good on you first, and then find a suit that updates your look from there," she says.

  Classic colors such as navy, red and earth-tone neutrals are popular this year at Everything But Water at Scottsdale Fashion Square, manager Melissa Parker says.

  "It's more about gold hardware this season than rhinestones and diamonds, which were bigger last year," she says.

  When fitting a woman for a suit, Parker advocates a total-look approach, factoring in skin tone, hair color and what kind of accessories a woman will be wearing with her suit.

  "Everyone wants to look their best in a swimsuit, and there's a lot we can do to help make that happen these days," she says.


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