http://en.jybest.cn 中国日报网英语点津 2007-03-26 大中小
McDonald's seeks to redefine 'McJobs'
McJob= job with few prospects?
The world's largest fast food company McDonald's Corp. said Tuesday it plans to launch a campaign in the U.K. this spring to get the country's dictionary houses to change current references to the word "McJob."
The Oxford English Dictionary, considered by manywordsmithsas the gold standard for the English language, is one of those that will be targeted. It defines the noun as "an unstimulating, low-paid job with few prospects, esp. one created by the expansion of the service sector."
The word first cropped up two decades ago in the Washington Post, according to the dictionary. But executives at Oak Brook, Ill.-based McDonald's say the definition is demeaning to its workers and say they'll ask dictionary editors to amend the definition.
"Dictionaries are supposed to be paragons of accuracy. And in this case, they got it completely wrong," said Walt Riker, a McDonald's spokesman. "It's a completedisserviceand incredibly demeaning to a terrific work force and a company that's been a jobs and opportunity machine for 50 years."
In 2003, editors at the Merriam-Webster dictionary declined to remove or change their definition of "McJob" after McDonald's balked at its inclusion in the book's 11th edition.
Amanda Pierce, a spokeswoman for McDonald's U.K. operations, declined to comment on the specifics of the company's newest campaign, but said it will kick off in May with the goal of changing what she called an "out-of-date" definition.
She said she did not know how long the campaign would last, saying that depended on "how far and wide the campaign goes."
据牛津英语词典介绍,McJob一词于20年前首次出现在《华盛顿邮报》上。但总部位于伊利诺斯州Oak Brook的麦当劳的管理人员称,这个定义是对麦当劳员工的贬低;并表示他们将要求词典的编辑对这一注释进行修改。
wordsmith : master of language(语言大师)
disservice : a harmful action(伤害)
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