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http://en.jybest.cn  新东方  包凡一  2008-03-27  


To Build a Community Shopping Center – YES

  Topic: It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

  Since industrialization makes it possible to manufacture large quantities of goods, going shopping has become fairly recreational. Furthermore, transportation keeps everything going easily.(Furthermore, transportation keeps everything running smoothly.) (1) (“running smoothly”) (A)Shopping centers have entered the language and life of every citizen. When it comes to whether it is good to build a shopping mall near your apartment, different people have different views. As far as I am concerned, the advantages of setting a shopping center near where we live outweigh the disadvantages.

  Many people argue that setting a shopping center nearby ushers in more noise, more traffic congestion and more security problems. They would rather go farther to do shopping than let all these bad effects go around in their own community.(They would rather go out of their way to shop than allow these bad elements enter their community.) (“go out of their way”) (B)

  Although their concern is quite reasonable, it can be avoidable if we handle the center well. Building a shopping center near where we live may have lots of existent and potential advantages. They go as follows.(Building a shopping center where we live has a lot of potential advantages, such as the following.) (2) (“potential advantages”) (C)

  First, it provides more convenience and less time wasted in traffic.(First, it provides more convenience and reduces time wasted in traffic.)We can buy whatever we need on the way home leisurely, instead of having to write the task down on a schedule and drive through the heavy traffic to get there.(We can buy whatever we need leisurely on the way home, instead of having to jot the task down on a schedule and drive through the heavy traffic to get there.)

  Second, it helps improve the economy of the local community as well as that of the whole city. Just imagine, another shopping center means another competitor. If they want to survive out of such demanding business, they must provide better service and goods of higher quality.(If they want to survive in such a demanding market, they must provide higher quality goods and services.)As a result, the community and even the city can develop economically.

  What's more, it offers job opportunities for both adults and students. For adults, especially those who are unemployed, they can earn money to support themselves. For students, they can apply for part-time jobs, and thus get experience and earn some extra money.(For students, they can apply for part-time jobs, gain work experience, and earn extra money.)

  If it is up to me to decide whether a shopping center should be built near my apartment, I prefer to build it.(If it were up to me to decide whether or not to build a shopping center near my apartment, I would decide to build it.) (3) (“If it were up to me”) (D)This is because I am the sort of person who enjoy conveniecnce and happincess of contacting with people.(This is because I am the type of person who enjoys convenience and contact with people.)If the shopping center is successfully run, I believe that everyone who lives around will get great benefits from it.(If the shopping center is successfully run, I believe the community will benefit greatly from it.)

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