托福口语: 具有特色的表达短语汇总
http://en.jybest.cn 小马过河 2015-10-12 大中小
for starters 第一点,用于代替常用的firstly, first of all等等
more importantly 更重要的是, 托福口语中用于代替second, for another thing...等等
the icing on the cake 更棒的是。
E.g. describe a job you would like to pursue in the future. Use specific details and examples to illustrate why you want to get this job.
Speaking of my future job, I would like to be a marketing director in a global top company.
For starters, it is definitely a chanllenging job which can make me feel fulfilled! This job will make me completely understand the ture meaning of "a sense of satisfaction and achievement." The icing on the cake is that the high annual salary, the tempting bonus and satisfying welfare benefits will meet my material demands! And I can also build up a network of professinal contacts when I work with PR agency and institutes, which is quite important in this whole industry!
On the top of it, this field has great career prospects! These are what I love about my job and give me strong incentive to work even harder. And I believe this job helps me to realize my full potential!
sense of satisfaction and achievement 成就感和满足感
high annual salary, the tempting bonus and satisfying welfare benefits 高收入,丰厚的年终奖和诱人的福利待遇
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