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http://en.jybest.cn  无忧雅思网    2010-04-01  


考试日期: 2010.03.27
题号 内容
Question 1 Many students want to improve their study records. Do you have any suggestion to them?
Question 2 Some people prefer to go shopping only when they need to buy something. Other people like to shopping even they don’t have certain things to buy. Which would you prefer?
Question 3 Reading part Listening part
学校说要把graduate ceremony make changes, 分成两个部分,分两天举行,因为仪式时间太长,第二因为礼堂太小,学生和来的客人太多。 女孩不同意,因为: 1. 可以reduce the time of each lecture 2. 可以reduce the number of guests each individual can invite 从10人减到6人。
Question:Explain the woman’s opinion towards the school announcement and why he holds that opinion.
Question 4 Reading part Listening part
Technological change 人们往往在一开始的时候不会一下子接受new inventions 。people need time to adjust to it 教授阐述了这个名词,然后举例子Telephone. 刚开始只On the beginning of the telephone was invented, just businessman used to it because telephone benefits them a lot. other people can’t accept it 1 not accustomed to use to communicate, 因为只有声音看不到画面 2.compared with visiting friends personally, it is rude to used a telephone. 但经过了一段时间,人们习惯了这个新发明。并且非常是喜欢这个发明。
Question:用听力的例子来解释对Technological change的理解
Question 5 【学生困难】:男说要忙于一个history project 在学校。 郁闷的是怎么去学校。因为他的室友搬走了,每次他都是搭室友的车去学校。他自习也没钱买新车给自己。【解决方案】: 女孩建议: 1. 可以take public transportation , 男说没有线路从他的apartment到学校。 2. 女又说可以换一个更近的房子,男说自己更喜欢一个人住, 这样可以concentrate on his project 【问题】:Briefly summarize the problem and two possible solutions. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.
Question 6 教授介绍了 讲rocks weathering的2种。 1)water exposion 说的是水进入岩石缝隙后,到晚上温度降低是水会凝结,这样会让岩石cracks变大,最早break down。 2)plant growth 说的是植物种子进入岩石缝隙后可以发芽,然后植物的根为了吸收水分和养料会到处跑,于是使岩石缝隙遍大。
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