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http://en.jybest.cn  新东方在线    2015-05-14    



  Sample answer:

  The reading and listening materials have a conflict of opinions about the function of ceramic plates. The writer puts forwards three theories, which are contradicted by the following lecture.

  Firstly, the writer claims that the ceramic plates can be used as cooking pans. while the speaker views this issue from an opposite angle. According to him/her, the cooking pan will be black or the color will fade because of high temperature. However, these plates do not show such marks.

  Secondly, the author states that the ceramic plates can be served as drums. However,the speaker opposes the writer’s opinion by saying that the sound of ceramic is not pleasant. What’s more, people can use better material as drums, such as animal furs. Why would they use ceramic drums?

  Thirdly, the passage argues that ceramic plates are used as mirrors. By contrast, in accordance with the speaker, the reading’s claim doesn’t hold water,only when ceramic plates are filled with water can they reflect images. In this case, people can not see the decorative side. Unlike the mirrors in ancient Greek, people often hold plates vertically.

  In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies the weakness in the reading passage and convincingly shows these reasons are incorrect.






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