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http://en.jybest.cn  新东方    2015-05-11    



  Task 1

  Some universities do not allow students to watch TV in the dormitories. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of students having TV in their dorms.

  Task 2

  Which of the following can be better sources of news? Newspapers or TV?

  Task 3

  The school plans to hire a professional director instead of a student director to instruct the spring musical so that students can learn a lot from him during rehearsals, and the director can attract more audience. The woman in the conversation disagrees for two reasons. First, the director is very busy. He can only come to the school once a week since he has other things to take care of. Students will have less rehearsal time and won't learn much if they only get to see him once a week. Second, the director is only famous in the world of theater, and ordinary audience won't know him, so him directing the musical won't really attract more people to come see the show.

  Task 4

  Experience products/goods: People don't want to buy products they haven't had experience with. So in order to sell their products, companies would give potential customers free samples first. When they have used the samples, the potential customers are more likely to buy the products.

  In the example, a friend of the professor's started a company selling educational DVDs for children which contained games teaching children language skills. At first nobody bought them. Then the friend sent a free sample to an elementary school teacher. The teacher used the DVD in class and the kids thought it was fun and that they'd learned a lot. Then children started to buy the product and the DVDs became very popular.

  Task 5

  The man is moving off campus, so he won't have easy access to the computer lab to work on his papers. He doesn't have a laptop so now he is thinking about what to do. He first solution is that he can try to save money by working more hours at the library. But he has a lot of classes now. The second solution is to buy a laptop using the money for the winter trip to NYC.

  Task 6

  The professor talks about how polar bears keep warm in the cold environment. The first is to absorb more heat and light from the sun. Its fur is white, but the underneath is black, and it can absorb more sunlight. The second is to have waterproof oily skin, so that when it swims, it doesn't lose heat.






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