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http://en.jybest.cn  新东方    2015-02-11    



  Task 1

  Which of the following activities would you like to do on a weekend afternoon? Doing exercise, watching TV, or spending some time with families.

  Task 2

  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young people should learn how to draw and paint.

  Task 3

  The school is going to offer theatre majors an off-campus field trip to see some real play performances in order to help students better understand what they learned at school, and the students will need to pay $35 for the trip.

  The man agrees with this plan. First, he thinks students can’t understand the plays only by reading the book. Seeing real plays will deepen their understanding. Second, $35 is worth paying because they’ll be able to see three plays. Plus the school will pay for the transportation.

  Task 4

  The professor talks about ecosystem resilience. For example, coral reefs live in the Pacific Ocean where a kind of fish is extinct because of the pollution. This kind of fish used to feel on algae, so now the amount of algae increased enormously, covering the space where the reefs lived. But then other fish also feed on algae, and because of the increased amount of algae, the population of those fish also increased. Soon enough, the amount of algae decreased, which led to the increase in the coral reefs’ population.

  Task 5

  The woman’s problem is that someone is supposed to come to her apartment and install the internet connection, but she waited the whole afternoon and the guy didn’t show up. She has to reschedule the installation to tomorrow, but she has a movie to see then and needs the internet to do research for her assignment tomorrow afternoon.

  Solution 1: She can ask her roommate to wait for the guy. She can then go see the movie, but her roommate plans to study tomorrow. Although her roommate can cancel the plan, she will feel guilty.

  Solution 2: She can cancel the movie plan, but she doesn’t want to lose the opportunity to hang out with her friend.

  Task 6

  The professor talks about two reasons why ancient people observed stars.

  The first is agriculture. Some stars only appeared at certain time of the year, so their appearance could help farmers predict when to plow. Like ancient Egyptians decided when to plow when they saw a star which only appeared in summer.

  The second is navigation. For example, Vikings used the locations of certain stars to determine the direction when they were sailing.






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