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http://en.jybest.cn  智课网    2016-05-13    






  A job with more vacation time but a low salary is better than a job with a

  high salary but less vacation time. 是否同意低薪假期多的工作比高薪假期少的工作好?

  点评:A 和 B 对比写法


  首段:个性开篇 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

  Indeed, the proportion of people’s life spent doing such jobs is very high.

  So feelings about one's job must mirror how an individual feels about his or her

  life, thus, job satisfaction is very significant for people’s happiness. One of

  the traits of modern way of working is that people enjoy more freedom in

  selecting jobs. People differ greatly in their views as to which job is more

  commendable, a job with less vacation time but comfortable salary, or a career

  with more flexible time but low pay. As I see it, both of them all have its pros

  and cons, yet, a job with comfortable salary deserve more praises.

  点评:…… deserve more praises 值得更多的赞美


  For a start,a trend is that nowadays a great many people are often willing

  sacrifice freedom for the purpose of having a well-paid salary. More precisely,

  many people associate job satisfaction with the number on their pay cheque. They

  may take their salary as a symbol of how much they are valued by the

  organizations they work for and how excellent their performance is. Little

  wonder that a poll taken by China Daily found that most people believed that

  they could enjoy superior material comfort as well as creating good quality of

  life if they can take up handsomely paid jobs.

  点评:take up = embark on 从事……


  The debate reminds me of my Uncle Paul, who is an entrepreneur by embarking

  on self-employment. A decade ago, my uncle had a stable career, namely, a civil

  servant, more freedom and meager salary is the feature of his career. However,

  his life always felt empty and he was fed up with his former job. After careful

  consideration, my uncle hardened his heart to carve out his own career,

  currently, he lives his life to the full, he always get his hands full and have

  limited free time at his own disposal. However, the sense of happiness and

  fulfillment gradually grows on him. All these happened to prove a fact that a

  well-paid job is superior to a career which has a meager salary.

  点评:His life feels empty 他感到生活很空虚。

  点评:he lives his life to the full. 他的生活很充实。


  Granted, I confess that a job with more freedom is never without its

  merits. An argument hold by some people is that having a long vacation can give

  one person a desirable way to relax and enjoy the pleasure of life. Traveling

  around the globe, doing what one’s heart really desires or accompanying the

  family members could all serve as perfect examples. Nonetheless, I want to

  refute that low-wage jobs also means that one falls into financial difficulties

  and thus fails to secure a stable life.


  In a nutshell,my standpoint is that the option of career should be given to

  every individual, for the aspirations of life differ greatly. However, it is an

  ideal option that one could struggle for economic reward even at the expense of

  sacrificing personal freedom.






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