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http://en.jybest.cn    金宝搏188入口   2013-03-23  



  :go to copy 2: a complete system 3: constant 4: a variablescan 5: in the larger 6: presently7: Since getting 8: Some emergency 9: asealed environment 10: confidentiality Interview
  1Abetter2 high 3the number 4 work will 5appreciation 6 airports8 be engrossed in; 9faithful; 10 explanation
  A 11. D. The appearance of advertising in newspaper12. C. More people areinvolved in finding13. B. Planning the return to 14. B. supportive andskeptical15. A. the participatory nature of newsB16. B. condescension17. C.More entertainment activities are staged18. D. can be happy if they want19. D.the discovery one makes20. B. Excitement
  21, A geographical location
  22, C the role of
  23, C Dermark's energy saving success offers
  24, A the country's long
  25, C energy saving cannot
  26. B. Shops, large or small, are offeringbig discounts
  27. C. Highly motivated
  28. B. Customers have learned how tobargain
  29. B. keep asking for more discounts
  31 thecommonwealth of Austrilia 32 its heavy industries 33 two-year 34 1997 35 safe and sound 36 George Bernard Shaw 37 novel 38 Government 39 Onomatopoeia 40 directive
  1. production改成producing 2. 去掉the
  3. 去掉accurately前面的so
  4. looking改为look 5. we前面加that
  6. 去掉colleague后面的has 7. their改成his
  8. anyone改成someone 9. evolved改成involved
  10. were改成are
  art V Translation
  翻译版本1:汉译英 Life is like a cup of wine, thelove life of the people from the products of inexhaustible wonderful, and heldit in the hands of the careful observation, it is dark red in the sense, thatis the trace of life; a sip left in the mouth, it has a slightly bitter tastesweet, like life in general complex blurred a drink of it; fragrance,gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind, let a person a lifetime.汉译英,版本二:Life is like a cup of wine,people who love life, from which the inexhaustible beauty, will it hold itsdark blood red in the sense of observation carefully in the hands, that is thetrace of life, aftertaste SIP left in the mouth, it is a bitter sweet. Such asthe life of general complex blurred; drink Xiadu gladdening the heart andrefreshing the mind, lingering fragrance, let a person lifelong benefit, wineis Chen more delicious, the more abundant life more beautiful, when life to oldage, as a bottle of wine to Kaifeng, its color is quiet, the taste is full ofwisdom and generosity, every sip will have amorous feelings, in which all thejoys of life.
  作文范文,参考Asis vividly depicted in the cartoon an elderly man has fallen over himself inthestreet. However the standers-by express their unwillingness to offer him anyhelpfor fear of getting involved in a trouble. Nowadays the issue has rekindledpublicdebate over the climate of morality and credibility. We cannot helpwondering the question:‘Is our society hostile to good people’The question maysound ridiculous but many people apparently think so. They believethat ourcurrent society provides a ‘bad environment’for good people doing goodthingsand good people pay a high price for being compassionate and feel sad about it.In my opinion while“social environment is necessary for people to havehighmoral standards and to be good to others each individual should try his orher best todo good things and be sympathetic with others instead of waiting forthe“environment to improve.”Therefore if help is needed do not hesitate tooffer ourhelping hands. Only by removing the fence around our kindconsciousness can wereverse an infinite regress of social ethics and make ourworld full of warmth andhappiness.

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