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http://en.jybest.cn  新东方在线    2015-08-20    




  为什么月饼价格如此高(why are mooncake prices so, so high?)

  gold medals not only belong to olympic athletes. lucky mooncake purchasers could be lucky enough to get their hands on one as well.

  with the traditional mid-autumn festival drawing near, south china's renowned likoufu restaurant based in guangzhou will make 32 gold medals, which mooncake purchasers will try to win in a lucky draw. the chinese olympic delegation obtained 32 golds at the athens olympic games last month.

  even some movie stars have been involved in the promotion of mooncakes, which are traditionally eaten on mid-autumn day, which falls on september 28 this year.

  various brands of mooncake are already on sale, but some people are complaining that the seasonal delicacies are too expensive this year.

  "the mooncakes have already become gifts for exchange but some brands are expensive," said zhu ji, a beijing resident.

  she said that some mooncakes cost as much as 1,500 yuan (us$180) each, a sum equal to one third of her monthly salary.

  some brands of mooncake cost about 20-30 yuan (us$2.4-3.6). but the cost of accompanying items included in the mooncake boxes will be several dozens of times higher.

  zhu said her husband and son do not like to eat mooncakes, a sweet pastry with a round shape symbolizing union."but my 88-year-old grandmother likes them and i will buy some for her this time every year."

  some shoppers are choosing to purchase their mooncakes online.






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