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http://en.jybest.cn  沪江英语网    2010-03-29    



  一年一度的英语专四考离我们越来越近了,为了方便即将参加考试的同学们备考,金宝搏188入口 外语频道特提供专四专项练习,为大家加加油,助助力,愿大家都能考出好成绩!

  The outbreak of SARS, bird flu and Mexican swine flu has warned us that new infectious diseases are emerging at an unprecedented rate around the world and spreading faster than ever. It is now generally accepted that global epidemics are threatening the world.

  Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:

  One Way to Fight against Global Epidemics

  You are to write in three parts.

  In the first part, state what your suggested way is.

  In the second part, state one or two reasons for your suggestion.

  In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion.

  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.


  One Way to Fight against Global Epidemics

  Nowadays, new infectious diseases are emerging and spreading faster than ever. Global epidemics have become a serious threat to human health and lives. Worldwide discussions about how to fight against them are ongoing actively. In my opinion, one effective way is to take concrete monitoring and quarantine measures.

  For one thing, new diseases are emerging at the historically unprecedented rate. Vulnerability is universal. Governments worldwide must keep watch for new threats like the emergence of SARS, new types of bird flu and Mexican swine flu.

  For another, due to the global boom in air travel, it makes it possible for even just one individual traveling between countries, carrying an infectious disease, to be a threat to others and to cause an alarm or a potential crisis in another country. The WHO also warned that an outbreak of an epidemic in one part of the world now is only a few hours away from becoming an imminent threat somewhere else. Infectious diseases are now spreading geographically much faster than at any time in history. Thus government health authorities around the world should improve their monitoring of infectious diseases, report outbreaks as soon as they happen and carry out quarantine measures strictly.

  Only by effective monitoring and quarantine measures can we fight against the increasingly serious threat of global epidemics. Don’t wait till winter. Now is the time to prevent the worse from happening.






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