雅思口语: 高频话题大汇总
http://en.jybest.cn 小马过河 2015-09-25 大中小
1/Describe your best friend.
How you knew each other
How you became friends
How you spend time together
Explain why he/she is your best friend
2/Describe the trip you took some time ago.
When you took it
How you got there
What you saw there
Explain why you liked it.
3/Describe the worst weather in your life
What it was
When it happened
How you felt
Explain your experience in details.
4/Describe your favorite book or a story you read .
What the book is called
What it talks about
What you learn from it
Explain why this book is your favorite.
5/Describe the recent success of China.
what it was
what it was about
how important it was
6/Describe your favorite sports star.
Who this person is
What sports does this person play
Why you like this person
7/Describe a child you are familiar with.
His or her name
How old he/she is
What his/her hobby is
8/ Describe the four seasons in China.
How many seasons there are
What features there are
What people do in the four seasons
9/Describe the most unforgettable success in your life.
What it is
How you made it
Why it is important
10/Describe a period of time, when you think was interesting or exciting.
When it was
What did you do during that period
Why it was special
11/Describe a perfect house or flat
Where it is
What it looks like
What the inside is like
Why it is ideal for you
12/Describe your favorite song.
What song it is
What it is abou
tWhy you like it
13/Describe a piece of equipment
what it is
how it is used
advantages and disadvantages
14/Describe your favorite park in China.
Where it is
What you see
What you do in the park
15/ Describe your favorite TV program
What it is about
What type it is
Why you like it
16/Describe a toy
Who gave it to you
Why you liked it
How you played it
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