http://en.jybest.cn 2006-12-29 大中小
A classmate=best friend=a child you know=happy person.
A family member=an old person who influenced you the most=someone you admire
A good friend
A happy person=a successful person
A person who has influenced you
A person you would like to spend a day with=successful person=famous person
A successful person
An ethnic minority group不大会考,可以说在澳洲的华人
A character in TV show or films=happy person=successful person
Describe a child
Describe a colleague=successful person
Describe a family member
Describe a famous person
Describe a music group or singer in your country=famous person
Describe your neighbor=your best friend
Describe your parents=family member
Describe your personality and its advantages结合自己的工作谈自己性格的优点
Describe your teacher=a friend
Describe your favorite book选一本工具书,encyclopedia of pets 之类的,不用写内容,只要谈书的作用就行了
Describe a book you want to write同上
Describe a invention before computer。电话
Describe a letter or a card。写学校的录取信,或者移民通过的信,这样子可以和success in your life用一个答案
Describe a pet有养宠物的话就写自己的宠物好了。
Describe photography可以同describe a card or letter.
Describe a product that you bought but not satisfied with. 家里应该很多吧,呵呵
Describe a traditional Chinese dress旗袍。Qipao is a traditional dress for ladies in the early 20th century in China.
Describe a work of art同上,或者写风筝
Describe your favorite advertisement。不要讲情节
Describe an animal同describe a pet
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