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http://en.jybest.cn      2007-04-12  


  Tony Fitzgerald explains the different components and gives some helpful tips

  The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) examination tests the skills needed for academic study in the United Kingdom. The test comprises four components: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each component is scored individually and an overall score is awarded. It is not a pass/fail exam but is banded from 1 to 9, with 1 indicating a very rudimentary knowledge of English and 9 indicating language skills equivalent to those of a native speaker.

  The General Medical Council (GMC) asks overseas doctors for an overall score of 7.0, with a score of at least 7.0 in the speaking component and a score of no less than 6.0 in each of the other three components. A doctor can then apply for the two parts of the PLAB (Professional Linguistic Assessment Board) exam.

  Candidates can sit the exam in centres worldwide. Throughout Britain, centres run the exam on a regular basis. There is no limit on the number of times a person may sit the exam, though a candidate is not allowed to sit it within three months of a previous attempt.

  Preparing for the examination

  Preparation courses for the IELTS exam are run in many colleges and universities across Britain. Some courses specifically cater for the needs of overseas doctors-for example, Southwark College, Barnet College, and Westminster Adult Education Centre in the London area. (For further information about these courses, see the newsletter issued by the BMA for those doctors on the Refugee Doctor database.)

  Preparing for each component


  The candidate listens once to four extracts of spoken English, often dialogues or short lectures-for example, an introductory lecture welcoming students on to a course or two students discussing timetables. The candidate has to answer 10 questions (multiple choice, short answer questions, summary "gap-fills," or complete flow charts) on each extract. The texts become increasingly difficult as the test progresses.

  The skills required are the ability to listen and simultaneously record the main or key points heard; to note correctly important numbers or dates mentioned; to recognise subtle shades of expression; and to follow descriptions of procedures or processes.


  Immerse yourself in spoken English as much as you can. Listen regularly to radio and television. Radio 4, for example, offers a range of broadcasts on current affairs, science, education, and medicine in which you will hear the type of vocabulary needed in the test.

  Make use of the vast amount of listening material that is available for students studying English at all levels-for example, the Cambridge Skills for Fluency "Listening" Series or the "Headway" or "Cutting Edge" series ranging from elementary to advanced levels.

  Listen to material that includes people speaking in a variety of accents.

  Familiarise yourself with the way words are shortened, stressed, and flow into each other in typical everyday speech ("Headway" has a series of books on pronunciation).


  The candidate is asked to carry out two tasks.

  Task 1 involves writing a report based on information or data presented in a diagram or table form.

  Task 2 involves writing an essay on a given topic of general interest. Common topics include the impact of the modern world on the environment; the role of education in society; the consequences of population growth; and the effects of new technologies. Candidates have 40 minutes to write at least 250 words.


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