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http://en.jybest.cn  金宝搏188入口     2007-01-16  


雅思备考心态指导-Perseverance is pricelessPerseverance is priceless

  By Kobe (pre-inter D)

  As we prepare for the IELTS exam, there are many problems awaiting us: writing, speaking, listening grammar......What can we do when we are lazy and confused? Let me tell you a story.

  One day, A Buddhist monk came to Buddha. He wanted to go to a place where the people were brutal and uncivilized to convert them.

  Buddha said, "Your idea is noble, but the people there aren't polite or pious. How will you convince them?

  The monk answered, "I will persevere until they become civilized."

  "If they abuse you, will you leave?"

  "No, I will thank them, because they don't beat me."

  "What will you do if they raise their fist against you?"

  " I will thank them because they only used their fists."

  "If they hurt you with weapons?"

  "I will thank them more, because they only hurt me and didn't kill me."

  "If they kill you, will you repent?"

  "No, I won't repent. Not only that, I will thank them again. I understand the truth of Buddhism. If they kill me, I will be giving my life for truth. I will thank them even more because they will have helped me reach my goal."

  Like this monk, there are many persevering and steadfast people in the world, who know their road is bumpy, but still advance bravely. They sacrifice everything for their dream.

  And so should we. We must have courage and perseverance because difficulties can be conquered. Perseverance is priceless, ambition is priceless. I hope the dreams of all my Compass school mates will come true.


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