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http://en.jybest.cn    雅思中文官方网站  2009-03-23  






1 Harvard University (MA) Nil 7.0
2 Princeton University (NJ) Nil 7.0
3 Yale University(CT) 7.0 7.0 or please
consult the
4 Massachusetts Institute
of Technology
Nil 6.0 - 7.5
4 Stanford University(CA) Nil Nil
6 California Institute o
f Technology
please consult the university 7.0
6 University of Pennsylvania Nil 7.0 or please
consult the
8 Columbia University(NY) 7.0 7.0 - 8.5
8 Duke University(NC) 7.0 7.0 or please
consult the
8 University of Chicago 7.0 7.0
11 Dartmouth College(NH) 7.0 Nil
12 Northwestern University(IL) 7.0 7.0
12 Washington University
in St. Louis
7.0 7.0
14 Cornell University(NY) 7.0 6.0 - 7.0
15 Johns Hopkins University(MD) Nil 7.0
16 Brown University(RI) 7.0 7.0
17 Rice University(TX) Nil 7.0
18 Emory University(GA) Nil 6.0 - 7.0
18 University of Notre Dame(IN) please consult the university 7.5
18 Vanderbilt University(TN) 6.5 7.0
21 University of California
—Berkeley *
7.0 7.0
22 Carnegie Mellon University(PA) 7.0 7.0 - 7.5
23 Georgetown University(DC) Nil 7.0 - 7.5
23 University of Virginia * 7.0 7.0
25 University of California
—Los Angeles *
7.0 7.0
26 University of Michigan—Ann Arbor * 6.5 6.5 - 7.0
27 University of Southern California Nil please consult
the university
28 Tufts University(MA) 7.0 7.0 - 7.5 or
please consult
the university
28 Wake Forest University(NC) Nil 6.5
30 University of North
Carolina—Chapel Hill *
7.0 7.0
31 Brandeis University(MA) 7.0 6.5 - 7.0
32 College of William and Mary(VA) * 7.0 7.0
33 New York University 7.0 7.0
34 Boston College Nil Nil
35 Georgia Institute of Technology Nil case by case
35 Lehigh University(PA) 7.0 Nil
35 University of California
—San Diego *
7.0 7.0
35 University of Rochester(NY) 6.0 please consult
the university
35 University of Wisconsin
—Madison *
6.0 7.0
40 University of Illinois
—Urbana - Champaign
6.5 6.5
41 Case Western Reserve
6.5 6.5
41 Rensselaer Polytechnic
Nil 7.0
41 University of Washington * 6.0 7.0 unconditional
offer, 6.0
conditional offer
44 University of California—Davis * 7.0 7.0
44 University of California—Irvine * 7.0 7.0
44 University of California
—Santa Barbara *
7.0 7.0
47 Pennsylvania State University
—University Park *
6.5 6.5 - 7.0
47 University of Texas—Austin * 6.5 6.5
49 University of Florida 6.0 6.0
50 Yeshiva University(NY) Nil Nil
51 Tulane University(LA) 6.5 please consult
the university
51 University of Miami(FL) 6.5 6.5
53 George Washington University(DC) 6.5 6.0 - 7.0
53 Syracuse University(NY) Nil please consult
the university
53 University of Maryland
—College Park *
7.0 unconditional offer, 6.5 conditional offer 7.0 unconditional offer, 6.5 conditional offer
56 Ohio State University
—Columbus *
6.5 7.0
56 Pepperdine University(CA) 6.5 6.5
58 University of Georgia * 7.0 6.5
58 University of Pittsburgh * 6.5 6.5
60 Boston University 7.0 6.0 - 7.0
61 Clemson University(SC) Nil please consult the university
61 Fordham University(NY) 6.5 7.0
61 University of Minnesota
—Twin Cities *
Nil Nil
64 Rutgers, the State University
of New Jersey—New Brunswick(NJ)
Nil 7.0
64 Texas A&M University— College
Station *
6.0 6.0
66 Miami University—Oxford(OH) * 6.0 6.5
66 Purdue University—West
Lafayette(IN) *
6.5 6.5
66 Southern Methodist University(TX) 6.5 6.5
66 University of Connecticut Nil 6.5
66 University of Iowa * 6.5 7.0
71 Indiana University—Bloomington * Nil 6.5
71 Michigan State University * 6.5 7.0
71 University of Delaware * 6.5 Nil
71 Virginia Tech please consult the university or 8.0 7.0
71 Worcester Polytechnic
6.5 6.5
76 Baylor University(TX) Nil 6.5
77 Marquette University(WI) 6.5 Nil
77 The Ohio State University
Main Camppus
Nil Nil
77 University of Colorado - Boulder 6.0 -6.5 6.0
80 Clark University(MA) 6.5 6.5 - 7.0
80 Colorado School of Mines 6.0 6.5
80 St. Louis University 6.0 6.5
83 American University(DC) 6.5 7.0
83 North Carolina State
University—Raleigh *
6.5 please consult
the university
83 SUNY College of Environmental
Science and Forestry
6.0 6.0
83 Stevens Institute of Technology(NJ) Nil Nil
83 University of Alabama 6.0 6.5
83 University of Tulsa(OK) 5.0 6.0
89 Drexel University(PA) 6.5 Nil
89 Iowa State University * 5.0 - 6.0 5.0-7.5
89 University of California
—Riverside *
7.0 Nil
89 University of Denver 6.0 7.0
89 University of Kansas 6.5 6.5
89 University of Nebraska
—Lincoln *
6.0 7.0 unconditional offer, 6.0 conditional offer
89 University of Vermont 6.5 Nil
96 Auburn University(AL) * Nil 6.5
96 Northeastern University(MA) 6.0 6.5 or please consult the university
96 SUNY—Stony Brook * 6.5 7.0
96 University of Arizona * 6.5 7.0
96 University of California
—Santa Cruz *
7.0 please consult
the university
96 University of Missouri
—Columbia *
5.5 5.5
102 Florida State University Nil Nil
102 Howard University(DC) Nil Nil
102 Illinois Institute of Technology 6.5 please consult
the university
102 University of Massachusetts
- Amherst
Nil Nil
102 University of San Diego Nil please consult
the university
102 University of the Pacific(CA) 5.0 6.0
108 University of Dayton(OH) 6.0 6.5
108 University of Oklahoma * 6.5 6.5
108 University of Oregon * 6.0 7.0
108 University of South Carolina
—Columbia *
6.5 6.5
108 University of Tennessee * 6.5 6.5
113 Brigham Young University
6.5 7.0
113 Texas Christian University 6.5 6.0-7.0
113 University of New Hampshire * 6.5 6.5
116 Catholic University of
6.5 please consult
the university
116 Loyola University Chicago please consult the university 6.5
116 Ohio University 6.5 7.0
116 University of Kentucky 6.0 6.5
116 Washington State University * 5.5 7.0
121 Arizona State University 6.0 6.5
121 Clarkson University(NY) 6.5 7.0
121 Michigan Technological
University *
6.5 6.5
121 University at Buffalo—SUNY 6.5 6.5
125 Colorado State University * 6.0 unconditional offer, 5.0 conditional offer 6.0-6.5
125 University of Arkansas * 6.5 6.5
127 New Jersey Institute of Technology * 6.0 6.5
127 University of San Francisco 6.0 6.5-7.0
127 University of Utah Nil Nil
130 Duquesne University 6.0 Nil
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