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http://en.jybest.cn  新东方在线    2016-07-08  



  Conversation One:

  W: So Mike, youmanaged the innovation project at Two Santack.

  M: I did indeed.

  W: Well then, first congratulations. It seemsto have been very successful.

  M: Thanks, yes. I really help things turnaround at Two Santact.

  W: What is the revival in their fortune? Didit highly do to a strategic situation?

  M: Yes, yes I think it was. Santack was a company was much following a pack, doingeveryone else was doing. I getting rapidly left behind. I could see there werea lot of talent there and some great potential. Particularly in their productdevelopment. I just harness that some help.

  W: Was the innovation the core of the project?

  M: Absolutely, if it doesn’t sound like too much cliché. Our world isconstantly changing and changing quickly. Mini to be innovating constantly tokeep up with this. Standstill, you stop.

  W: No stop for sneaking the roses?

  M: Well, I will do that my personal life sure.But as a business strategy, I’m afraid there is nostopping.

  W: What exactly is the strategic innovationthen?

  M: Strategic innovation is the process ofmanaging innovation of making sure to take place all levels of the company andthat is related to the company’s overall strategy.

  W: I see.

  M: So, insteadof innovationfor innovation sake and new products being simply because of thetechnology is there, the company culture must switch from these pointing timeinnovations to continue high innovation from everywhere and everyone.

  W: How did you alliance strategy throughoutthe company?

  M: I soon became aware of the complaintuseless. People take no notice. Simply it came about through the practicetrickling down. This up and set. People could see it was the best work.

  W: Does innovation on a scale really givecompetitive advantage?

  M: I am certainof it. Absolutely. Especially it was difficult for a copy. The risk is the corethat the innovation to limitation.

  W: But now is it strategic?

  M: precisely.

  W: Thanks for talking to us.

  M: Sure.

  1. Whatseems to have been very successful according to the woman speaker?

  2. Whatdid the company lack before the company was implemented?

  3. Whatdid the man say he should do in his business?

  4. Whatdoes the man say is the risk of the innovation?


  conversation 2

  M:Todaymy guest is Dana who has worked for thelast twenty years as aninterpreter. Dana, welcome.


  M:Now,I’d like to begin by saying that I haveon the occasions used an interpretermyself as a foreign correspondent.So I’mfull of memo rations for what youdo.6. But Ithink your profession is sometimes underrated and many people thinkanyone whospeaks more than one language can do it.

  W:Thereare any interpreters I know who don’thave professional qualifications and

  training. You only really get profession aftermany years in the job.

  M:Andsay you can divide what you do into twodistinct methods simultaneous and

  consecutive interpreting.

  W:That’sright.7.The techniques you use aredifferent.And a lot of interpreters wouldsay one is easier than the other,less stressful.

  M:Simultaneousinterpreting, putting someone’swords into another language more or less asthey speak, sounds to me like themore difficult.

  W:Well,actually no.8.Mostpeople in the business would agree that consecutiveinterpreting is the morestressful. You have to wait for the speaker to deliverquite a chunk of languagebefore you then put it into the second language whichputs your short termmemory under in tense stress.

  M:Youmight know presumably?

  W:Absolutely.Anythinglike numbers, names,places have to be noted down, but the rest is never

  translated word for word. You have found theway of summarizing it. So that themessages arethere, turning every single wordinto the target language wouldput too much strain on the interpreter and slowdown the whole process toomuch.

  M:Butwhile simultaneous interpreting you starttranslating almost as soon as the

  other person starts speaking, you must havesome preparation beforehand.

  W:Well,hopefully, the speakers will outline ofthe topic a day or two in advance, you

  have a low time to do research preparetechnical expressions and so on

  Q:5.Whatare the speakers mainly talking about?

  6.Whatdoesthe man think of Dana’s profession?

  7.WhatisDana say about the interpreters she knows?

8.Whatdo most of interpreters think ofconsecutive interpreting?
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