http://en.jybest.cn 233网校 2015-06-13 大中小
金宝搏188入口 讯2015年上半年大学英语四六级考试于6月13日举行, 金宝搏188入口 外语频道第一时间汇总发布了【英语四级真题及答案英语六级真题及答案】,供广大考生查阅。
How impressive the cartoon is in describing the most widespread social phenomenon concerning the independence of the children. Let’s take a closer look at the drawing, the girl told her mother she was accepted by the university of her mother’s choice with pride. The author’s real purpose is not the drawing itself, but to lead us to secure what hides behind the picture。
What are the reasons for it? In the following sentences, I’ll venture to explore the reasons. To start with, the only-one child policy in China has made more and more parents pay much attention to their children that they would like to replace their children to do everything. In addition, parents don’t believe that their children have enough ability to deal with their personal matters and make any decisions. There are some suggestions given to our parents。
For one thing, it is quite important for our parents to realize that their children will grow up and have their own ideas as time goes by. For another, children should be encouraged to make some decisions alone so that they are able to pursue what they really want. I contend that our parents should give their children a free hand in some matters to help them to be independent。
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