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http://en.jybest.cn    文都教育  2013-12-14    



  What this thought-provoking drawing mirrors is the phenomenon thatthe increasing use of the mobile phone has penetrated into people’s daily life. There is no consensus of opinions among people regarding whetherwe should overuse it. Some people hold the attitude that we shouldn’t spend too much time on their phone terminal rather than relating to people in the real world. The reasons can be listed as follows. In the first place, it will make people addicted to mobile phone to spend too much time on these. What is more, it will impact and influence people’s family affection and friendship.

  Just as an old Arab proverb says, “Every sword has its two edges.”On the contrary, others are under the impression thatit does not matter.There are some reasons behind this attitude. For one thing, these useful and powerful communication tools have made it much faster, easier and cheaper to keep in touch with family and friends in other countries (and also to do international business).For another, people cannot live without Internet and Wi-Fi nowadays.

  From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the former opinion rather than the latter one.From what has been discussed above, we may naturally arrive at the conclusion thatwe shouldn’t spend too much time on their computer terminal rather than relating to people in the real world.






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