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http://en.jybest.cn  恩波教育    2006-10-10  


Part ⅠWriting(30 minutes)

Directions:For this part, you are allowed thirtyminutes to write a letter to your American friendLawrence, to introduce Spring Festival in China andinvite him to join you to spend this Spring Festival.Suppose you are Yuan Chao. You should write at least120 words following the suggestions given below inChinese:





A Letter to Lawrence

September 23, 2005

Dear Lawrence,


Yuan Chao

Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)

Directions:In this part,you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7,mark

Y (for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;

N (for NO)if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;

NG (for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passage.

For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with information given in the passage.


A computer crime is generally defined as one that involves the use of computers and software for illegal purposes. This doesn’t mean that all the crimes are new types of crime. On the contrary, many of these crimes, such as embezzlement of funds, the alteration of records, theft, vandalism, sabotage, and terrorism, can be committed without a computer. But with a computer, these offenses can be carried out more quickly and with less chance that the person responsible for the crime will be discovered.

Computer crimes are on the rise and have been for the last twelve years. Just how much these computer crimes cost the American public is in dispute, but estimates range from 3 billion to 5 billion annually. Even the FBI, which attempts to keep track of the growth or decline of all kinds of crimes, is unable to say precisely how large a loss is involved; however, it estimates that the average take from a company hit by computer crime is 600,000. A number of reasons are given for the increase in computer crime: (A)more computers in use and, thus, more people who are familiar with basic computer operation; (B)more computers tied together in satellite and other datatransmission networks; and (C)the easy access of microcomputers to huge mainframe data bases.


Movies and newspaper stories might lead us to believe that most computer crimes are committed by teenage “hackers”—brilliant and basically good children who let their imagination and technical genius get them into trouble. But a realistic look at the crimes reveals that the offender is likely to be an employee of the firm against which the crime has been committed, i.e., an “insider”.


Given the kind of person who commits a computer crime and the environment in which the crime occurs, it is often difficult to detect who the criminal is. First of all, the crime may be so complex that months or years go by before anyone discovers it.

Second, once the crime has been revealed, it is not easy to find a clear trail of evidence that leads back to the guilty party. After all, looking for “weapons” or fingerprints does not occur as it might in the investigation of more conventional crimes.

Third, there are usually no witnesses to the computer crime, even though it may be taking place in a room filled with people. Who is to say if the person at the next terminal, calmly keying in data, is doing the company’s work or committing a criminal act?

Fourth, not enough people in management and law enforcement know enough about computer technology to prevent the crimes. Authorities have to be familiar with the computer’s capabilities within a given situation to guard against its misuses. In some large cities, such as Los Angeles, police departments have set up specially trained computer crime units.

But even when an offender is caught, the investigators, attorneys (律师), judges, or juries may find the alleged crime too complicated and perplexing to handle. More attorneys are specializing in computer law and studying the computer’s potential for misuse.

After a computer crime has been discovered, many companies do not report it or prosecute(起诉)the person responsible. A company may not announce the crime out of fear that the pubic will find out the weaknesses of its computer system and lose confidence in its organization. Banks, credit card companies, and investment firms are especially sensitive about revealing their vulnerabilities (脆弱性)because they rely heavily on customer trust.

To avoid public attention, cautious companies will often settle cases of computer tampering out of court. And if cases do go to trial and the offenders are convicted, they may be punished only by a fine or light sentence because the judge or jury isn’t fully trained to understand the nature and seriousness of the crime.

Not all companies are timid in apprehending computer criminals. For example, Connecticut General Life Insurance Company decided it had to get tough on violators. So when the company discovered that one of its computer technicians had embezzled 200,000 by entering false benefit claims, it presented it findings to the state’s attorney and aided in the prosecution of the technician. The technician was found guilty and sentenced to prison, not just for the computer misuse, but also for grand theft and insurance fraud. Connecticut General now has a policy of reporting all incidents of theft or fraud, no matter how small.


1. The FBI knows exactly how large a loss is involved in computer crimes.

2. It has become easy for microcomputer owners to use huge mainframe data bases.

3. It is implied in the Paragraph 3 that most computer criminals are the employees of the concerned companies.

4. Many companies dont report computer crimes because law procedures against computer crimes usually cost a lot of money.

5. When computer crime takes place in a room filled with people, there are usually many witnesses to the crime.

6. The passage is mainly about the increase of computer crimes in America and the difficulties in combating computer crimes.

7. Computer crimes are on the rise because more cheap microcomputers are available.

8. According to the passage, computer crimes has been on the rise for the


9. ConnecticutGeneral Life Insurance company is cited asof companies that took serious measures to fight against computer crimes.

10. Banks, credit card companies, and investment firms are especially sensitive about revealing their vulnerabilities because they place too much reliance on.

Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension35 minutes

Section A

Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

11 A)She wont let her friend borrow the car.B)She will shop for a car.

C)She has a good car.D)She will lend her car to her friend.

12A)She hasn’t heard from the professor in a week.

B)The class has extra time to complete the assignment.

C)She only just found out about the economics paper.

D)She won’t see the professor until next week.

13A)Her backhand is almost perfect.

B)The time the man spent practicing has helped him.

C)The man’s mother wanted him to practice.

D)Her mother is a good tennis coach.

14A)Board the train.B)Send a fax.

C)Change his departure time.D)Have breakfast.

15A)He turned a corner so fast.B)He ran a red light.

C)He went through a stop sign.D)He was speeding.

16A)Each person will be allowed to buy only one ticket.

B)The tickets will sell out quickly.

C)The rock concert will probably be rescheduled.

D)There will be extra tickets.

17A)They didn’t get wet.B)They’re late for the concert.

C)They prefer to dress casually.D)They’re really looking forward to the concert.

18A)She was working on a train schedule.B)She didn’t get home until after midnight.

C)She was busy with her guests all evening.D)She left too late to catch the train.

Question 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. A) How different kinds of pepper are produced.B) Why white pepper is superior to black pepper.

C) How the pepper plant is grown.D) How various peppers are used in cooking.

20. A) He read about it in a cookbook.B) He grows his own herbs and spices.

C) He heard about it from a friend.D) He studied it in cooking school.

21. A) It’s preserved in liquid.B) The skin is removed.

C) It’s dried in the sun.D) It’s freezedried.

22. A) It’s more pure than other types of pepper.B) It helps maintain the color of certain dishes.

C) It has a fruity flavor.D) It’s easier to grow.

Question 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. A) A story in prose.B) A poem that rhymes.

C) A translation of a short literary work.D) A journal about the process of writing.

24. A) The class has been assigned to read it.

B) He was able to read it in French.

C) He isn’t sure it’s available in English.

D) He thinks it’s an example of what the professor wants.

25. A) It’s pronounced differently in French than it is in English.

B) To write without using it is difficult both in English and in French.

C) Every word in the French author’s book contained it.

D) It’s commonly used in English to make poetry rhyme.

Section B

Directions:In this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D) .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

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