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http://en.jybest.cn  新东方网整理    2017-12-16    



 六级翻译 第三套 青海湖



  Qinghai Lake is 3205 metres above sea level. It is about 100 km to the west of Xining, the capital of Qinghai Province. It is the largest salt lake. Its size is 4317 km². The deepest point of the lake is 25.5 metres. 23 rivers flow into the lake, and most of the rivers are seasonal. 80% of the water in the lake come from 5 main rivers. Qinghai Lake is at the crossing point of several bird migration paths across Asia. Many birds take Qinghai Lake as a place to rest during their migration. To the west of the lake, are the famous “Bird Islands”, attracting birdwatchers from all over the world. Every summer, visitors also come here to watch the international bicycle racing competition.


  Qinghai Lake is situated about 100 kilometres west of the capital city of Qinghai province, Xining, at the altitude of 3,205 metres. With a surface area of 4,317 square kilometres, Qinghai Lake is the largest salt lake in China and its maximum depth is 25.5 metres. Twenty-three rivers and streams empty into Qinghai Lake, most of which are seasonal. Five major rivers provide 80% of total influx. The lake is located at the crossroads of several bird migration routes across Asia. Many species use Qinghai Lake as an intermediate stop during migration. On the western side of the lake lie the renowned “Bird Islands”, attracting bird-watchers from different parts of the world. Every summer, visitors also come here to watch the international cycling race.






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