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http://en.jybest.cn  金宝搏188入口     2006-12-24  



 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning ) (10%)

  1. N
  2. N
  3. Y
  4. N
  5. Y
  6. Y
  7. NG
  8. move forward
  9. looking back
  10 the more you get back

  Part III Listening Comprehension (35%)

Section A
  11. B Give her more information
  12. C She'll go without dessert
  13. A The man can speak a foreign language
  14. C See Prof. Smith
  15. D She can pass on the message for the man
  16. B He's got emotional problems
  17. D It's better to buy the tickets beforehand
  18. A He turned suddenly and ran into a tree
  19.D to attend a wedding in Montreal
  20.C Brush up on her French
  21.B It has many historical buildings
  22.A It was about a little animal
  23.D She can make a living by doing what she likes
  24.B Her ideas
  25.A She doesn't really know where they originated

  Section B
  26. C Record students' weekly performance
  27. B Lack of attention
  28. D They should see to it that their children have adequate sleep
  29. C She became a public figure
  30. D A motorist's failure to concentrate
  31. A Nervous and unsure of herself
  32. B Restrictions on cell phone use while driving
  33. B There are too many kinds of cold viruses for them to identify
  34. D They show our body is fighting the virus
  35. A It actually does more harm than good

  Section C
  36. natural
  37. usage
  38. exception
  39. particular
  40. reference
  41. essays
  42. colleagues
  43. personal
  44. What we may find interesting is that it usually takes more words to be polite
  45. but to a stranger, I probably would say "would you mind closing the door?"
  46. There are bound to be some words and phrases that belong in formal language and others that are informal.

  Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth ) (35%)

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