http://en.jybest.cn 文都教育 2014-06-12 大中小
1. 任何与环境保护有关的话题或图画。(图画自己想象)
第一段:As is depicted by the picture, sb is doing sth/sth is happening, showing the importance of environment. This picture shows the common phenomenon that environment protection is becoming increasingly urgent, suggesting the destructive effects human beings made on the ecological balance, which is very thought-provoking. (注意,第一段图画描述一定要短,如果只要你以“谈论某某事情”开头,那就在简单描述图画后立即谈论)
第二段:currently,with industry and economy developing rapidly, an increasing number of people are paying little or no attention to the relationship between human beings and nature. A typical example is water pollution. There is no denying in saying that, in order to develop industry,the number of various factories and plants is dramatically increasing, which,directly or indirectly, causes serious water waste and water pollution. (本段在分析污染的原因。大家务必学会举例,举例一定要举简单典型的例子,不可以详细描述,以免陷入太深而犯语法错误。)
第三段:It is high time that we took effective and efficient measures to solve the problem reflected by the picture. First and foremost, the administration should make legislations to punish those who pollute environment. Secondly, it is very critical to carry out those legislations. It is easier said than done. So carrying out is, to a large degree, more important then thinking out. Last but not the least, to strengthen the public awareness of environment protection is necessary. Only by doing so can we find the way out for the problem of pollution. (本段在谈论解决措施。这一段有些长,大家可以摘抄其中的句子默写背诵)
第一段:As is depicted by the picture, sb is doing sth/sth is happening, showing the importance of ( ). This picture shows the common phenomenon that ( ) is becoming increasingly urgent, suggesting the destructive effects of A on B, which is very thought-provoking.
第二段:currently,with industry and economy developing rapidly, an increasing number of people are paying little or no attention to( ). A typical example is ( ). There is no denying in saying that, in order to ( ), the number of ( ) is dramatically increasing, which,directly or indirectly, causes serious ( ).
第三段:It is high time that we took effective and efficient measures to solve the problem reflected by the picture. First and foremost, the administration should ( ). Secondly, it is very critical to carry out those legislations. It is easier said than done. So carrying out is, to a large degree, more important then thinking out. Last but not the least, to strengthen the public awareness of ( ) is necessary. Only by doing so can we find the way out for the problem of ( ).
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