http://en.jybest.cn 金宝搏188入口 2013-11-05 大中小
The Career I Pursue
Unlike many other college students, I thought long and hard about my future before embarking on my studies. I then sought advice from my teachers and my parents about the best life path for me to choose. Finally, I settled on journalism as the career which would best suit my temperament.
Although the financial rewards has two particular attractions for me. First, by supplying people with the information they need every day, it fulfills a socially useful function. Second, it is a job full of novelty, unlike most occupations, which involve simply routine work.
In order to prepare myself for my future career in the world of the media—whether it be working for a newspaper or a magazine, or in the sphere of radio and television—I have carefully selected my college course. My basic fields of study are Mass Communications and Economics. At the same time, having an eye to reporting events worldwide, I am taking extra classes to improve my English and reading widely to increase my general knowledge.
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