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http://en.jybest.cn  金宝搏188入口     2015-06-01  




  1. 主从句叠置

  1) There are more and more students who like to use the computer. / More and more students like to use the computer。

  2) There are still many problems that should be noted and resolved. / Many problems still should be noted and resolved。

  2. 简单句叠置

  I like chatting on line very much, so I go to the net bar almost every weekend. / I like chatting on line very much. I go to the net bar almost every weekend。

  3. 从句叠置

  It is known to all that computers play an important role in many fields of our life. / As is known to all, computers play an important role in many fields of our life。

  4. 句子成分缺失

  If we work hard, we will surely be successful. /Working hard, we will surely be successful。

  5. 语序错误

  1) Why do college students spend more and more time on the computer?

  1) I often wonder where they have got their money。



  Many people think that the Internet will be more useful in the future。


  1) I have been excited several days at the news that you will come here。

  2) Most of the students are satisfied with the service in the dining hall。


  1) Wise men seek opportunities rather than wait for them. / A wise man seeks opportunities rather than wait for them。

  2) Some people are afraid that computers may control men in the future。


  1) Let me say “hello” to you on behalf of everyone。

  2) Doing exercise in the morning is good for one’s health。

  3) Having studied in our school for 3 years, I find that the canteen service has changed a lot。


  1) We can use computers in doing everything we like。

  2) A college student should be able to do his washing on his own。


  1) A/The horse is a useful animal。

  2) The exam will be held in December, 2004.


  1) I wish you can consider my suggestions。

  2) If a person wants to succeed, he must learn to endure sufferings and setbacks。(新东方在线)

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