[00:00.00]Super Listening Comprehension
[00:36.83]Model Test 2 Part 1.
[00:51.93]1.( )that time,( ) babies were born in the world.
[01:00.45]2.In 1850,about a ( ) U.S.A was ( )by forests.
[01:08.83]3.( )is from ( ) to April.
[01:14.71]4.The things on ( ) ( )were all used about a( )years ago
[01:22.10]5.Peter has( )it all ( )on the list.
[01:28.08]Part 2.
[01:36.08]Last Saturday morning,the twins went shopping with their parents in a shoe shop.
[01:43.58]Cathy saw an old man crossing the street slowly.
[01:49.56]Suddenly a boy about 16 years old on a yellow bike was coming towards the old man.
[01:59.17]He was traveling so fast that he hit the old man.
[02:05.26]The old man was badly hurt.The boy didn't stop and rode away.
[02:11.66]The twins and their parents helped the old man stand up
[02:17.27]and sent him to the nearest hospital at once.
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