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http://zige.eol.cn来源:宏景国际教育  作者: 2018-08-29  

财会类 金融类 医药类 建造类
  【澳洲医生招聘】专栏第一期招聘发布。宏景国际教育已经与美国,新加坡,日本等国的医疗就业机构(包括世界500强企业及其他国内外知名机构,如GE,和睦家, Cleveland Clinic等)签订人才输送协议,定期向这些机构推送高端医疗人才,这些工作内容,待遇,发展前景乐观......
Full or Part time VR GP
  Regional NSW,Newcastle, Maitland & Hunter
  Work Type:
  Both FT & PT
  Job Description (Please follow allinstructions carefully)
  Job summary
  Currently seeking a full or part time VR GP to work a minimum of 3 days per week at a busy practice.
  Join a state of the art facility offering the highest quality medical and dental services. The practices operating hours are 8.00am to 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 8.00am to 1.00pm on Saturday. The practice offers a fresh approach to healthcare. They inspire a healthier lifestyle within the community through integrated clinical solutions built on quality advice, education, service and care.
  About the position
  ● Mixed billing
  ● 65% Billing
  ● Established patient base
  ● Full time or part time available, a minimum of 3 days per week is required
  ● FRACGP or equivalent
  ● Vocationally Registered
  ● Must have General Practice experience
Procedural Doctor - GP
  Regional NSW,All Regional New South Wales
  Work Type:
  Job Description (Please follow allinstructions carefully)
  Job summary
  ● Wollongong
  ● First trimester pregnancy termination
  ● Training provided
  Doctor to provide first trimester termination of pregnancy
  Extensive paid training provided in surgical first trimester pregnancy termination, D&C, IUD insertion and pelvic ultrasound. 1-2 days per week. Surgical lists available every Friday and some Tuesdays. Ongoing supervision and support. Potential of additional work in our other clinics. Must have non-restricted provider number.
 Gastroenterology (Fellow)
  Regional SA All Regional South Australia
  Work Type:
  Full Time
  Job Description (Please follow allinstructions carefully)
  Job summary
  You will be accountable to the Director of the Endoscopy Unit at Flinders Medical Centre for assisting in the provision of a high quality endoscopy service to patients in the wards, Endoscopy Unit and outpatients.
  This is a 12 month position for a final year trainee or postgraduate Fellow. Undertaking daily ward rounds for inpatients, you will also attend two outpatient clinics a week in gastroenterology under the supervision of a consultant gastroenterologist. Triaging and scheduling inpatient endoscopy referrals, you will attend interventional endoscopy and ERCP lists as well as selected endoscopy lists as determined by the Head of Endoscopy. It is also expected you will participate in the education and training of junior medical staff and participate in undergraduate clinical teaching when required.
  The South Australian public sector promotes diversity and flexible ways of working including part-time. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the flexible working arrangements for this role.
  Indicative Total Remuneration: $92,558 - $150,604 (pro rata) - Temp P/T (19 hrs p/wk, up to 3/2/2019) - MDP2
  Holding a MBBS or equivalent, you will have full registration with the Medical Board of South Australia as a Medical Officer. You will also have registration in the final year of, or completion of, the Physician Training Programme of the RACP (Advanced Training Programme for Gastroenterology and Hepatology). This will be supported by experience in providing clinical services at a level commensurate with the final year of training in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

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